
green leaves Learn more about green leaves

  • Causes of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    Causes of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    One: if the young leaves are dark yellow and lose luster if they are not watered too much, they gradually stop growing and the branches become small yellowish green. The tip and edge of the green apple which is short of water for a long time will dry up, and the old leaves will wither and fall off from top to bottom. Two: improper lighting, green pineapple grows in a cool environment.

  • Green pineapple leaves turn yellow? How to solve?

    Green pineapple leaves turn yellow? How to solve?

    Nowadays, many people choose to cultivate green pineapple, not only because it is a personal hobby, but also because it can beautify the home and purify the environment, but many owners will have the phenomenon of yellowing leaves in the process of breeding green pineapple. So what is the reason for the yellowing of green apple leaves? What are the solutions?

  • Green apple leaves yellowing how to do, yellowing cause analysis and treatment methods (to avoid exposure)

    Green apple leaves yellowing how to do, yellowing cause analysis and treatment methods (to avoid exposure)

    Green pineapple is a very common household plant, and it is the only choice for novice plants. Earlier, we talked about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple. Now let's talk about what to do about the yellowing of green pineapple leaves. Green pineapple is one of the best domestic plants.

  • The reason why the green pineapple leaves turn yellow how to do?

    The reason why the green pineapple leaves turn yellow how to do?

    The reason why the green pineapple leaves turn yellow how to do?

  • Green pineapple leaves yellow what reason to return a responsibility how to do? Do you want to cut it? how to fix it?

    Green pineapple leaves yellow what reason to return a responsibility how to do? Do you want to cut it? how to fix it?

    Nowadays, many people choose to cultivate green pineapple, not only because it is a personal hobby, but also because it can beautify the home and purify the environment, but many owners will have the phenomenon of yellowing leaves in the process of breeding green pineapple. So what is the reason for the yellowing of green apple leaves? What are the solutions?

  • What are the reasons for the yellowing of green apple leaves?

    What are the reasons for the yellowing of green apple leaves?

    The main results are as follows: 1. Too much watering leads to the yellowing of green pineapple leaves: the young leaves are dark yellow and dull, the old leaves have no obvious change, the branches are small and yellow-green, and the new shoots are not long, indicating that they are overwatered. Solution: put the green turnip basin in a cool, ventilated place and wait for the soil to dry before putting it back into the basin.

  • The solution to the yellowing of green apple leaves

    The solution to the yellowing of green apple leaves

    Green pineapple is a kind of plant that likes to grow in a warm and humid environment, so the soil condition when breeding is very important. It is best to grow in loose, fertile and well-drained soil in order to effectively reduce the probability of yellowing of leaves.

  • What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Causes and solutions

    What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Causes and solutions

    Green pineapple is a large evergreen vine of the unicorn leaf of Araceae. It grows in tropical areas and often climbs and grows on the rocks and trunks of the rainforest. It is very adaptable and lives when it comes to water. It is called the flower of life because of its indomitable vitality. It has high ornamental value and can absorb benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and so on in the air.

  • What is the cause of yellow leaves? Green Rose Yellow Spot Solution

    What is the cause of yellow leaves? Green Rose Yellow Spot Solution

    Looking at the green green radish is not particularly comfortable, but the green radish will occasionally lose his temper, such as suddenly the leaves of the green radish yellow, Xiaobian and you discuss the reasons for the yellow leaves of the green radish and the solution to the yellow spots of the green radish.

  • What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? What are the solutions to the yellowing of green apple leaves?

    What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? What are the solutions to the yellowing of green apple leaves?

    Green pineapple is a potted plant that will be often seen at home and in the office environment. Green pineapple is very easy to feed, but if there is too much water or too little sunlight, too much fertilizer will cause the leaves to turn yellow. The situation of yellowing is different, and the cause should be carefully observed and analyzed. According to different yellowing conditions

  • What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow?

    What if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow?

    The main reason for the yellowing of green pineapple leaves is that, on the whole, green pineapple leaves turn yellow. if it is hydroponic, there are bacteria in the water, and if it is cultivated in soil, it may be rotting rot. relatively speaking, hydroponic green pineapple is more likely to have yellow leaves than soil-cultured green pineapple.

  • Green radish so raised leaves bright yellow leaves do not appear

    Green radish so raised leaves bright yellow leaves do not appear

    Green radish is a relatively common decoration home environment green plant, green radish breeding properly can be green all year round, very suitable for living room, study, bedroom, balcony and other places. Some of the flowers will be raised in the balcony...

  • The solution to yellow leaves

    The solution to yellow leaves

    Supplementary light flowers and leaves evergreen vine love light, only sufficient sunshine, growth will flourish. Pay attention to the soil. Choose the soil that the vine likes. The loose sandy soil with good porosity will meet its growth needs and will not cause yellow leaves. Control watering. Strictly control watering.

  • Causes and solutions of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    Causes and solutions of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    In the process of indoor green pineapple breeding, many flower friends have found that the green pineapple leaves are yellowing, so why do the green pineapple leaves turn yellow, and what should I do if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? on the whole, the green pineapple leaves turn yellow. if it is aquaculture, there are bacteria in the water.

  • Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Remedial maintenance measures for yellowing of green apple leaves

    Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? Remedial maintenance measures for yellowing of green apple leaves

    Why do big green pineapple leaves turn yellow? How to fix it? Now many people will put several pots of plants at home to decorate me, but in the process of culture and maintenance, there are some problems due to various reasons, such as yellowing leaves, leaf shedding, root rot and so on, which affect the growth of plants.

  • A summary of the detailed steps of how to solve the yellowing of green apple leaves

    A summary of the detailed steps of how to solve the yellowing of green apple leaves

    A summary of the detailed steps of how to solve the yellowing of green apple leaves

  • Yellow leaves? It might as well be raised like this. You don't have to worry about it and you can still be green all year round.

    Yellow leaves? It might as well be raised like this. You don't have to worry about it and you can still be green all year round.

    Green radish is easy to raise, as we all know, but it is still a little difficult to make green radish green all year round, especially green radish cultivated in water culture. There is an advantage in water culture, that is, you don't have to worry about watering it to death, because most green radish is watered too much, resulting in yellow leaves, rotten roots and death.

  • What if the green pineapple leaves are getting smaller and smaller? is it because of formaldehyde?

    What if the green pineapple leaves are getting smaller and smaller? is it because of formaldehyde?

    Green pineapple, this is a lot of people have at home, super easy to feed, this green pineapple leaves grow smaller and smaller how to do? Is the green pineapple leaf yellowing because of formaldehyde: the longer the green pineapple leaf is, the smaller the green pineapple leaf is: overwatering, the root system of the green pineapple is fleshy, and a small amount of water shortage in short-term growth generally will not cause the bad phenomenon.

  • What are the reasons for the yellowing of green pineapple leaves? what should we pay attention to in green pineapple culture?

    What are the reasons for the yellowing of green pineapple leaves? what should we pay attention to in green pineapple culture?

    What are the reasons for the yellowing of green pineapple leaves? what should we pay attention to in green pineapple culture?

  • Green orchid leaves yellowing how to do, add light to adjust the temperature / watering to the right amount

    Green orchid leaves yellowing how to do, add light to adjust the temperature / watering to the right amount

    Green orchid, I believe we are no stranger, it is a very beautiful foliage plant, has the role of absorbing formaldehyde and purifying the air. In life, there are many people who raise green orchids, but they can keep them, and many people will encounter the symptoms of yellow leaves. What about the yellow leaves of green orchids? To this
